SponsorCo LCN
Kilos of waste diverted
Kilos of CO2 impact
Number of employees involved
SponsorCo LCN, Florida
Meet the founders of SponsorCo Luke, Jane, Rashid and Sue! This year they have committed to diverting over 12 tons of domestic green waste and capturing 100 tons of CO2 via their company LCN program. Each of their staff members has received a compost tumbler and will be adding collectively one thousand kilos of biochar to their compost for carbon sequestration and augmented biological drawdown.
SponsorCo is one of the leading e-learning platforms in the US with over 100 thousand daily users. Unlike other platforms they offer one on one calls to determine your pace and objectives and then offer you a guided lifelong learning program.
Via the sponsorship, this year their company footprint will be carbon negative!
SponsorCo’s mission is to make lifelong learning accessible to all while solving the climate problem.
Company employees participating in the composting program
Mark Whalberg Sara Kasey Paul Freeman Jay Norris Luke Kacjisky Anne Hatting Mary Leigh Walter Spansky